Monday, June 18, 2012

Marrying off Best Friends Part 1.

This past weekend I had the joy of marrying off two of my best friends.  Not just on the same weekend, but the same day! It makes me laugh that it happened this way just because it would happen to a wedding guru like me.  People make fun of how many weddings I either attend or am apart of, but its all good.  At first I really struggled with not being able to be apart of my brother from another mother's wedding.  Mr. Josh Lawrence has been one of my best friends since middle school.  However I would never ever trade the honor, privilege, and joy of standing beside my other best friend Sara on her wedding day.  I want to take a moment to reflect on these two individuals and that fact that im super pumped that they have now married really awesome people!  I guess I'll start with Josh...

As I said before, Josh has been one of my best friends since middle school. Since we entitled each other as best friends, or siblings we have been inseparable ever since. I have been blessed to have a group of friends that have stuck together all through growing up, and we still walk together even now.  Amazing, Christian friends! Josh is a part of that circle and I can honestly say the Lord has used both of us in each others lives in very significant ways. It really is a cool thing! We not only grew up together but we went to church together, worked at Caswell together, and visited each other all through college. God bless him for all the times I have called him crying, or had to tell this incredibly long story to get to one small point.  He always has a real perspective and is not afraid to be bold with me, and even tell me when im being absolutely rediculous...and he is not scared to hurt my feelings.  I think we all need iron sharpens iron type friends, and he has been that for me. I used to tell him that I was preparing him for marriage.  Whats funny is I guess that is kinda true.  When I was in college I made friends with a sweet girl named Janessa Long.  We met my first Senior year and became pretty good friends.  We would talk for hours, hang out over dinner, coffee, movie, whatever, and challenge each other.  We even went to Campus Crusade staff  training together....which has enough crazy stories within itself.  Long story short  Josh came to visit me and our friend Chad one weekend.  He came to visit and go to a football game with us.  Im also pretty sure it was my birthday.  Anyway Janessa always sat with the Crusade crowd at games, and I remember Josh asking me about the pretty blonde at the game.  Chad tries to take credit because of he got Josh the football ticket, but no.  Later at my apartment Josh and Janessa actually met.  I could tell that Josh was really diggin this girl.  Prolly one of the funniest things I have ever seen.  I began to have that "hmmm" moment in my head. yep "perfect".  Another long story short I did in fact try to play matchmaker but home girl was in to singleness at the time, Josh dropped it, Janessa went to China for a year with Campus Crusade....

That summer Josh was scheduled to go on a mission trip to China.  He called to tell me about it and I told him that he should email Janessa to see what part she was in, you know just in case they might be remotely in the same part of east asia.  Well he did, and even though Josh's trip fell through, he and Janessa began getting to know each other and the rest is history.  I know I pretend to take credit, but I know that it was the Lord!!!  How amazing they are as two separate people, and im so excited to see how they allow the Lord to use them and their marriage to glorify him!  Not to mention whenever I go to see them I get to see two dear friends at the same time!!! Love it!

Even though I was not a part of their day physically, I feel so blessed to have been able to talk with both of them on the phone, lord knows I lost it when I was talking to Josh.  Friends were also messaging me pictures on my phone.  I got all the highlights, it was great.  Not to mention my friend Whitney is very detailed when she tells stories, and she did a great job filling me in!  I also get to edit their wedding video so im sure I will see it at least 10 times through ;)  But I love these two people and I am thankful for what they have meant in my life.  Im praying for their marriage and I know God will use them in some pretty huge ways!!!  Lots of history, and awesome stories with both of these amazing people, and im excited about future memories. Friends like this are hard to come by but I can tell you that these two are good ones and there will be lots of memories to come!

....Part 2 coming soon: My Sara Veale now Hickman :)

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